The power of writing was fully displayed during the first two episodes of the Black Writers Workspace’s (BWW) #PenPOSSE Roundtable. Launched in 2020, #PenPOSSE is a virtual platform that brings BWW writers together to discuss the art of writing, diversity, and tools for navigating the publishing industry. In addition, it is a positive space for Black creators to share their writing experiences with a growing online fan base.
The roundtable is hosted by author and entrepreneur Michelle D. Jackson, the founder of BWW. The season kicked off in June with a high-energy discussion on “Finding Your Authentic Voice.” During the episode, writers shared techniques to overcome fears of transparency and truth in their work.
Key topics:
· What do authenticity and truth mean to you? (12:51)
· The importance of sharing your truth. (15:02 | 15:37)
· Everyone has a voice. (17:30)
· Do You! Telling your truth, your way. (32:52)
· Writing a memoir and accomplishing self-growth and self-love. (40:20)
· Finding your voice: the fear of sounding “white” or not sounding black enough. (43:38)
In July, #PenPOSSE tackled the topic, “My Manuscript is done, Now What?” During the roundtable, writers shared the do’s and don’ts to successfully publishing a book. The all-female panel discussed practical steps to getting manuscripts, in all genres, into the book marketplace.
Key topics:
· Why must Black writers continue to write? (21:24)
· Our history as griots. (23:80)
· Demystifying what it means to be a black writer (18:51 | 28:04 | 26:22)
· Diversity in writing (23:53 | 27:40)
· Setting SMART goals (1:16:33)
· Book marketing (1:54:00)
To view future roundtables, subscribe to the Black Writers Workspace YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvLTqx4GsQWed70-zOPDZTQ; Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/blackwritersworkspace or Spotify: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/vQSgSwE75tb.
NEXT #PenPOSSE Roundtables Episodes:
August Topic: Writing the Black Experience & What Readers Want?
September Topic: ‘Manhood, Masculinity & Motivation: How Male Writers Find Purpose in the Pen’